23 settembre 2006

What women want

This post is a tribute to our large number of english readers :)
(yes yes you'd like it!)

(ed è il primo crossposting con partenope :D)

What Mythological Creature Women are looking for?
Someone who scored as Omm

Omm: Omms are the higher level and rarest quality of men, above the average male and completely opposite to the most diffused ommenient (with whom they are often confused for the similar name). They are loyal, honest, kind, perfect husbands and great lovers. They live among other males but differ from them for a lot of aspects, many of which it's impossible to describe here. They always know how to behave, what to do, to say, when to be silent and what does a woman want. Obviously, they are heterosexual, but they also attract gay ones. It's really difficult to find one of them, also because they are often unaware of being Omm, and even if they know, they never show it. Being an Omm is a way of life, a benediction, almost a miracle, and going around to say "look, I'm an Omm!" is the first symptom of not being an Omm at all. Give thanks to God, and your parents too, 'cause you are a rarity, and a reason for not completely hating human males, for you are an Omm.

The result is a creation of the TRM Marius (ke non passa da piazza Vittoria :°D) all rights reserved :°D

TRM =Test Results Maker


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